Ledum Palustre

1. Rheumatic, gouty diathesis ; old people ; constitutions suffering from abuse of alcohol.

2. Discontent and peevishness.

3. Alternating complaints, e.g. haemoptysis and rheumatism ; also symptoms appearing diagonally especially upper left and lower right (Ant. t., Agar., Stram. ; upper right lower left – Brom., Medorr., Phos., etc.).

4. Contusions especially about the eye ; patient bruises easily ; long-remaining discoloration after injuries. Punctured wounds including insect bites especially of mosquitoes (locally and internally).

5. Rheumatic and arthritic complaints ; beginning lower limbs and ascending ; first feet then hands ; small joints mostly affected ; painful nodosities ; rarely useful if heat and swelling ; pains < motion, night, warmth of bed ; sometimes > only when holding feet in ice-water.

6. Skin eruptions ; papular, eczematous ; in habitual drunkards ; especially face and forehead ; chronic eruptions with violent itching especially feet and ankles < scratching warmth of bed.

7. Emphysemas and bronchitis of the aged < hot rooms ; spasmodic coughs.

8. Hemorrhages especially of bright-red blood ; intra ocular hemorrhage.

9. Pains sticking, tearing or throbbing ; rapidly change locality.

10. Patient lacks vital heat ; always cold yet pains < heat especially of bed, > cool applications.

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