1. Adapted to the extremes of life ; especially to young people inclined to grow fat.
2. Mentals. Great sadness with weeping, especially in intermittents. Sulkiness, no wish to speak to people. In women, sentimental mood even ecstatic love, the moonlight.
3. In children, fretful, peevish disposition ; temper at every little attention : cannot bear to be touched.
4. Gastric disorders especially from overeating ; thick, milky white coated tongue ; loathing of food, nausea and tendency to vomit ; desire for acids which <.
5 : Crusts and cracks about the nostrils and labial commissures.
6. Corns and callosities especially on the soles of the feet very tender when walking ; deformed nails.
7. Alternation of constipation and watery diarrhoea especially in old people.
8. Torpid state of the mucous membranes with excessive secretion ; especially mucous piles, continual oozing discharge staining yellow.
9. Reappearing symptoms change locality.
10. Modalities ; < extremes of cold and heat ; < from taking cold especially cold bathing ; < sun heat and radiated heat though many symptoms are > by heat.