
1. Strong, healthy, full-blooded person of quick, lively. sanguine temperament.

2. Emotional, mental and physical tension ; hyperaesthesia, of the special senses.

3. Onset of sthenic fevers, characterized by (a) intense anxiety with prediction and fear of death, causing restlessness and tossing about ; (b) strong, full, rapid pulse ; (c) dry, hot skin and great thirst ; (d) intolerance of warmth, bedclothes thrown off.

4. Complaints from exposure to dry, cold winds and draughts, also from suppressed perspiration, mental emotions (especially fright), injury, shock, surgical operation, intense heat.

5. Pains intense and insupportable ; tearing, stabbing, cutting ; often associated with :

6. Local numbness or tingling.

7. Sudden disturbances of the special senses, especially vision. 8. Sudden spasmodic affections in children, especially croup.

9. Haemorrhages of bright-red blood when the characteristic mental anxiety is present.

10. Modalities ; < evening and night ; warm room, lying on left side ; > fresh air ; joint pain < motion > rest.

Notes. Chronic : Sulphur.

Keynote : Tension.

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