
1. Children at dentition period ; young women. 2. Excessive nervousness ; slightest sudden noise frightens. 3. Great dread of downward motion in nearly all complaints ; child clings to nurse and cries when it is being put down. 4. Aphthous ulcerations of mucous membranes ; of mouth with heat, tenderness, great thirst, etc., prevents


1. Acts best in persons with light-blue eyes, flaxen hair, fair skin ; blonde, red-cheeked, scrofulous girls (ctr. lodum). 2. Inflammatory diseases of respiratory tract especially upper part ; croupous conditions with much rattling of mucus during cough ; severe suffocative attacks ; spasmodic constriction of larynx ; hoarseness ; chest pains running upwards ;

Bryonia alba

1. Dark persons of firm, fleshy fibre ; choleric temperament ; bilious and rheumatic tendencies. 2. Fevers. Patient lies like a log, < least movement, resents any interference or questioning ; at night, active delirium or broken sleep ; disturbed about immediately personal concerns ; vague, inconstant desires ; wants to go home (Act., Hyos,).

Cactus Grandiflorus

1. Fear of death (more persistent than in Aconite) especially in plethoric persons subject to local congestions. 2. Constrictive sensation as of hoop in various organs ; of whole body as if caged, each wire being twisted tighter and tighter ; with numbness. 3. Cardiac troubles, acute and chronic, with characteristic constriction ; heart feels

Calcarea Carbonica

1. Leucophlegmatic subjects ; “fair, fat, flabby” ; Children with tendency to grow fat ; large head and abdomen ; slow development of mind and body ; slow and imperfect ossification (difficult, delayed dentition, open fontanelles, etc.). Girls who grow too rapidly. 2. Anxiety of mind ; all kinds of nervous apprehensions with difficulty expressed

Calcarea Phosphorica

1. Thin, spare subjects with dark complexion, and inclined to emaciate. Scrofulous, rachitic children during first and especially second dentition. (Heads sweats not so prominent a symptom as in Calc. carb. and Silicea). Girls at or near puberty. 2. Sunken, flabby abdomen in children with general emaciation and inability to stand. 3. Gastro-intestinal disorders <


1. Wounds of all kinds especially cuts or lacerations of soft parts ; with or without loss of substance ; promotes healthy granulation and prevents excessive suppuration ; after surgical operations. 2. Old, neglected, offensive wounds, threatening gangrene ; much sloughing of soft parts. 3. Rupture of muscles or tendons, with much soreness and pain


1. Scrofulous children are most sensitive to this remedy : blonde type. 2. Great praecordial anxiety and restlessness. 3. Sudden and complete prostration of the vital forces ; hippocratic face, husky voice, etc., even after surgical operations. 4. Body surface cold yet patient does not feel cold and cannot bear covering (with less suddenness, Secale).


1. In acute diseases with intense irritation both mental and physical. 2. Mental irritability, < by the pains ; paroxysms of passion. 3. Genito-urinary disorders with constant urging and the characteristic pains before, during and after micturition (Cann. sat.) ; urine passes only in drops ; < drinking. 4. Violent cutting, burning pains with spasms


1. Fair persons of plethoric habit ; phlegmatic, indolent, dread cold, open air, exercise, and society ; clumsy, fat, dirty children. 2. Burning, smarting pains and sensations not > by heat ; especially of mucous membranes ; associated with constriction and chilliness. 3. Throat conditions < when not swallowing (Ignatia) especially in smokers and alcoholics.