VIPERA BERUS – The German Viper – (VIPERA) Viper poisoning causes a temporary increase in reflexes, paresis supervenes, a paraplegia of the lower extremities extending upwards. Resembles acute ascending paralysis of Landry (Wells). Has special action on kidneys and induces hæmaturia. Cardiac dropsy. Indicated in inflammation of veins with great swelling; bursting sensation. Enlargement of


WYETHIA HELENOIDES – Poison-weed – (WYETHIA) Has marked effects on the throat, and has proven an excellent remedy in pharyngitis, especially the follicular form. Irritable throats of singers and public speakers. Useful also in hæmorrhoids. Hay-fever symptoms; itching in posterior nares. Head.–Nervous, uneasy, depressed. Dizzy. Rush of blood to head. Sharp pain in forehead. Mouth.–Feels