Clematis erecta

Clematis has only been partially proved, and consequently it applies only to a few conditions, but these are very important, so that it cannot be passed over. It has vesicular eruptions almost erysipelatous in character. One almost constant mental state is that he fears to be alone, yet dreads company. He dreads the necessity of

Kali sulphuricum

Two very deep acting remedies unite to form this one. It was left to Schussler to show its first curative powers. Dewey’s work on the “Tissue Remedies” gives the best presentation from the biochemical view. The writer gathered the symptoms from reported cures for many years, and found that they were justified by the study

Spongia tosta

The mental symptoms of Spongia show that it is a heart remedy. When a remedy produces the anxiety, fear, and dyspnea found in Spongia, it will most likely turn out to be a cardiac remedy, unless these conditions are connected with irritation and inflammatory diseases of the brain. In this drug we find without any

Spongia Tosta

1. Fair-complexioned women and children of lax fibre timid and sensitive ; tubercular diathesis. 2. Marked anxiety, even terror, in nearly all complaints ; gen. assoc. with the suffocative attacks. 3. Great dryness of mucous membranes in respiratory tract cough with no mucous rale, dry, sibilant, “like a saw through pine-board” ; < sweets, cold