VERATRUM ALBUM – White Hellebore A perfect picture of collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness, is offered by this drug. Post-operative shock with cold sweat on forehead, pale face, rapid, feeble pulse. Cold perspiration on the forehead, with nearly all complaints. Vomiting, purging, and cramps in extremities. The profuse, violent retching and vomiting is


VERBASCUM THAPSUS – Mullein – (VERBASCUM) – Has a pronounced action on the inferior maxillary branch of the fifth pair of the cranial nerves; on the ear; and respiratory tract and bladder. Catarrhs, and colds, with periodical prosopalgia. Quiets nervous, and bronchial, and urinary irritation, and cough. Face.–Neuralgia affecting zygoma, temporo maxillary joint, and ear


VISCUM ALBUM – Mistletoe Lowered blood pressure. Dilated blood vessels but does not act on the centers in the medulla. Pulse is slow due to central irritation of the vagus. The symptoms point especially to rheumatic and gouty complaints; neuralgia, especially sciatica. Epilepsy, chorea, and metrorrhagia. Rheumatic deafness. Asthma. Spinal pains, due to uterine causes.


XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM – Prickly Ash – (XANTHOXYLUM) Its specific action is on the nervous system and mucous membranes. Paralysis, especially hemiplegia. Painful hæmorrhages, after-pains, neuralgic dysmenorrhœa, and rheumatic affections, offer a therapeutic field for this remedy, especially in patients of spare habit and nervous, delicate organization. Indigestion from over-eating or from too much fluid. Sluggish


ZINCUM METALLICUM – Zinc – (ZINC) – The provings picture cerebral depression. The word “fag” covers a large part of zinc action. Tissues are worn out faster than they are repaired. Poisoning from suppressed eruptions or discharges. The nervous symptoms of most importance. Defective vitality. Impending brain paralysis. Period of depression in disease. Spinal affections.


ZINCUM VALERIANICUM – Valerinate of Zinc – (ZINCUM VALERIANUM) A remedy for neuralgia, hysteria, angina pectoris, and other painful affections, notably in ovarian affections. Epilepsy without aura. Hysterical heart-pain. Facial neuralgia, violent in left temple and inferior maxillary. Sleeplessness in children. Obstinate hiccough. Head.–Violent, neuralgic, intermittent headaches. Becomes almost insane with pain, which is piercing


ZIZIA AUREA – Meadow Parsnip – (THASPIUM AUREUM – ZIZIA) Hysteria, epilepsy, chorea, hypochondriasis, come within the sphere of this remedy. Mind.–Suicidal; depressed; laughing and weeping moods alternate. Head.–Pressure on top, in right temple, associated with backache. Male.–Great lassitude following coitus. Sexual power increased. Female.–Intermittent neuralgia of left ovary. Acrid, profuse leucorrhœa, with retarded menses.


Nervous symptoms, twitchings, spasms, convulsions, neuralgias; chills without shaking < at menstrual period. Muscular rheumatism; stiff neck, drawing head back; can’t turn the head; rheumatism of the belly of muscles, by preference. Headaches pressing outward; or upward, as if top of head would fly off, or into eyes (ciliary neuralgia), or down nape into spine.