
Aversion to motion, yet motion ameliorates her pain and uneasiness. Aversion to the open air, yet open air ameliorates some symptoms, especially the coryza and cough. The marked dulness of the senses and special senses is a striking part of this picture. Chlorosis irregular menses; and palpitation. Stitching pains. Weakness and aggravation from exertion. Flabby

Drosera rotundifolia

The use of this medicine has been mostly limited to whooping cough, but it has a more extensive use. When we examine its spasmodic nature, its exhaustion, its cramps, which extend through a large number of complaints, we must realize that it is a more extensive remedy. Epileptiform spasms, prolonged sleeplessness, copious sweat on waking

Eupatorium perfoliatum

Every time I take up one of these old domestic remedies I am astonished at the extended discoveries of medical properties in the household as seen in their domestic use. All through the Eastern States, in the rural districts, among the first old settlers, Boneset tea was a medicine for colds. For every cold in

Ferrum iodatum

Morning, afternoon, evening, NIGHT, after midnight. The patient feels better in the open air. Anemia in a marked degree. General physical anxiety; chlorosis; choreic twitching of the muscles; constantly taking cold; congestion of organs and glands; external and internal dropsy. Symptoms are worse after eating. Emaciation. Markedly worse from exertion. Fainting in anemic patients. Hemorrhage

Ferrum metallicum

We will take up the study of Ferrum metallicum. The Old School has been giving Iron for anemia throughout all tradition. They have given it in great quantities, in the form of the tincture of chloride, and the carbonate. Whenever the patient became anemic, pallid, waxy and weak, Iron was the tonic. It is true

Ferrum phosphoricum

Great weakness, and desire to lie down. Nervous at night. Rheumatic conditions. While it has been used by Schussler’s followers for the first stage of inflammatory fevers, it is useful in the higher potencies in chronic diseases, and is a deep acting anti-psoric. It could not be less than the Ferrum and Phosphoric acid that


If you will observe the weather conditions in sharp climates, such as Minnesota, Massachusetts and Canada, you will find that the cold spells are very intense and that people, when exposed, come down with complaints very rapidly and violently. That is the way the Bell. and Acon. cases come on, but Gelsemium complaints do not


The complaints of Graphites are worse morning, evening and during the NIGHT, especially before midnight. It is useful in people who are morbidly fat, or have been fat and are now emaciating; with constipation more commonly than diarrhea; in women in these conditions whose menstrual habit is pale, late, short and scanty; catarrhal discharges that


It is a great remedy for nervous prostration; marked lassitude, with mental and bodily weakness. It is closely related to Coffea and Nux vomica and especially useful for the weakness of the will and neuralgic pains in coffee drinkers. In hypochondria and in the female it has melancholia and nymphomania. Convulsive conditions without loss of