Natrum Carbonicum

1. Anaemic, emaciated subjects with pale face, glue-ringed eyes, dilated pupils, etc. 2. Intense melancholy and apprehension ; mental slackness and inability to think ; irritability ; dislikes society especially men ; easily startled. 3. Great debility ; heaviness of whole body ; short walk greatly fatigues. 4. Ailments from exposure to sun, also artificial

Nux Vomica

1. Dark, sallow, spare subjects of passionate temperament ; sedentary brain workers ; chronic dyspeptics addicted to stimulants ; victims of drug habits, drastic medicines, excesses, etc. 2. Hypochondriasis with irascibility and impatience ; spiteful and malicious or sullen and surly, thinks everyone is against him ; melancholy > alone especially from relatives ; “spasmodic”


1. Sanguine, thin, dark-haired women of rigid fibre. 2. Alternating mental states ; peculiar arrogance and illusionary greatness ; sometimes impulses to injure or even kill persons previously cared for (often distresses patient). Melancholy mood ; life wearisome yet fears death which she thinks near ; long sulks ; vexation at trifles. 3. Physical and


1. Psoric subjects ; coarse, dry or greasy skin, nervous, restless temperament ; pale, delicate, sickly children. 2. Great mental depression ; anxiety with evil forebodings ; fears will die ; religious melancholy ; frightful dreams ; children good all day, cry all night. 3. In chronic cases when well selected remedies fail to relieve


1. Persons with sandy hair, pale face, blue eyes, sedentary habit ; slow, gentle, yielding, emotional temperament. Anaemic, chlorotic women ; girls in their teens ; often overdosed with iron, quinine and other “tonics” ; subject to styes and varicosis. 2. Great changeableness both of patient and symptoms ; prevailing mood of melancholy with tearfulness,


1. Tall, slim (not conspicuously thin) women with narrow pelvices dark hair, yellow complexion and characteristic “saddle” ; “washerwoman’s remedy”. 2. Marked indifference even to family ; no enjoyment in life ; sits and say, nothing ; occasional fits of temper, then spiteful, obstinate and touchy. Melancholy, inspired by proud, stoical self-pity ; < consolation


1. Subjects of light complexion and fine, dry skin ; paleface, lax fibre ; nervous, sanguine temperament ; lacking in “grit”. Specially suited to scrofulous, rachitic children with large sweaty head and big abdomen ; open fontanelles and sutures ; weak ankles, slow learning to walk, etc. 2. Patient anxious, yielding, timid (Pulsatilla) but irritable


1. Scrofulous, plethoric persons with very red lips ; subject to skin eruptions especially acne ; hasty in temper and motion ; often untidy and dirty – “ragged philosopher” – spare, stoop-shouldered, slack, shiftless, sensitive, sedentary. Emaciated children with big bellies, intolerant of bathing and covering ; often dirty habits. 2. Mental and physical inertia


VERATRUM ALBUM – White Hellebore A perfect picture of collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness, is offered by this drug. Post-operative shock with cold sweat on forehead, pale face, rapid, feeble pulse. Cold perspiration on the forehead, with nearly all complaints. Vomiting, purging, and cramps in extremities. The profuse, violent retching and vomiting is


ZINCUM VALERIANICUM – Valerinate of Zinc – (ZINCUM VALERIANUM) A remedy for neuralgia, hysteria, angina pectoris, and other painful affections, notably in ovarian affections. Epilepsy without aura. Hysterical heart-pain. Facial neuralgia, violent in left temple and inferior maxillary. Sleeplessness in children. Obstinate hiccough. Head.–Violent, neuralgic, intermittent headaches. Becomes almost insane with pain, which is piercing