Nux vomica – Mind

Mind; ABSENT-MINDED (Forgetful) (111) ** Mind; ABSORBED; morning (2) * Mind; AFFECTIONATE (see Love)(Indifference) (19) * Mind; ANGER (irascibility)(See Irritability, Quarrelsome, Hatred) (136) *** Mind; ANGER; morning (5) ** Mind; ANGER; ailments after anger (vexation; etc) (66) *** Mind; ANGER; ailments after anger; with anxiety (29) *** Mind; ANGER; ailments after anger; with fright (18)

Conium maculatum

This medicine is a deep, long acting antipsoric, establishing a state of disorder in the economy that is so far reaching and so long lasting that it disturbs almost all the tissues of the body. The complaints are brought on from taking cold, and the glands become affected all over the body. From every little

Ferrum phosphoricum

Great weakness, and desire to lie down. Nervous at night. Rheumatic conditions. While it has been used by Schussler’s followers for the first stage of inflammatory fevers, it is useful in the higher potencies in chronic diseases, and is a deep acting anti-psoric. It could not be less than the Ferrum and Phosphoric acid that

Veratrum album

You will be astonished at the wonderful coldness running through this remedy. Hardly a group of symptoms will arise without this accompanying coldness. Coldness of discharges, coldness of the body. You would also wonder at the remarkable prostration attending the various groups of symptoms, complete relaxation and exhaustion, coldness. Profuse sweat, vomiting and diarrhea. Profuse

Zincum metallicum

Zincum metal has a full and substantial proving, including symptoms of every part of the body. It is an antipsoric, suitable in broken down constitutions, feeble constitutions; enfeeblement characterizes the whole proving. The Zinc. patient is nervous and extremely sensitive, excitable, trembling, quivering, twitching of muscles, tearing pain; along the course of the nerves, tingling,


1. Fair women and children of weak, nervous temperament with tendency to spasmodic complaints ; sensitive, romantic girls. 2. Patient cannot bear least contradiction ; angry and offended at mere trifles ; times passes too quickly. 3. Great lassitude of the whole body with trembling weakness. 4. Sensation of emptiness or hollowness in various organs


1. Tall, lean, stooping, dark-complexioned subjects sanguine, choleric temperament. 2. Generally cheerful disposition but subject to fits of temper though without spitefulness ; variable moods. 3. Hyperaesthesia of the special senses. 4. Oversensitiveness to pain which seems insupportable, driving to despair. 5. III-effects (especially hysteria or insomnia) of sudden mental emotions, especially pleasurable surprises. 6.

Crocus Sativus

1. Rapid alternation of mental states ; true hysteria ; sudden change from greatest hilarity to deepest gloom ; extremely happy, affectionate, wants to kiss everybody, next moment in a rage. 2. Haemorrhages from any part ; blood dark, clotted forming long black streams from bleeding surface ; < slightest motion ; especially epistaxis and

Natrum Muriaticum

1. Cachectic, anaemic subjects ; pale, earthy or yellowish. greasy-looking complexion ; children emaciated (especially about the neck) and old in appearance ; debility from loss of vital fluids. 2. Great depression ; lachrymose yet irritable especially at small, non-essential noises ; seems to desire but is markedly < consolation ; dislikes company, > alone

Nux Moschata

1. Women and children of nervous, hysterical temperament ; old people. 2. Rapid change of moods ; absent-mindedness, loss of memory ; thoughts vanish while writing ; talking, etc. ; sense of double personality ; visionary dreamy states ; indifference. 3. Hypersensitiveness to all external stimuli. 4. Great drowsiness with nearly all complaints ; dizziness