Kali silicatum

The silicate of potassium is a very deep acting remedy. Some of the symptoms are worse or come on in the morning, a few in the forenoon and afternoon, many in the evening, and very many in the night, and especially after midnight. Aversion to the open air and worse from the open air and

Natrum arsenicosum

The symptoms of this remedy appear in the daytime, in the MORNING, in the forenoon, evening, night and after MIDNIGHT. The symptoms are worse in the cold air, but warm open air ameliorates; the mental symptoms are better in the open air; worse from cold in general; in cold air; becoming cold; in cold, wet

Natrum silicatum

The times of aggravation of the symptoms of this remedy are morning, forenoon, evening, night, and after midnight; he feels amelioration some times during the forenoon. Formation of recurrent abscesses; it relieves the pain and hastens the flow of pus in abscesses. AVERSION TO THE OPEN AIR; the symptoms are worse in the open air

Natrum sulphuricum

This is one of our most frequently indicated constitutional remedies. The symptoms appear in the morning, evening and during the night, especially before midnight. Some symptoms are better after breakfast, during the daytime and after midnight, except the sweat. It is a very useful remedy for complaints following neglected gonorrhea. The symptoms and the constitutional

Ranunculus bulbosus

This buttercup gives off an acrid ethereal vapor very poisonous to such as are sensitive to it, and has been many times mistaken for Rhus poisoning. This common field buttercup is not used as often as it is indicated, and it must be that it is not as well known as many other remedies. It

Zincum phosphoricum

The times of aggravation of this remedy are morning, forenoon, AFTERNOON, EVENING, NIGHT. He (Patient) has a strong craving for warm, fresh air and is markedly sensitive to drafts; the open air ameliorates in general; marked general physical anxiety; many symptoms are worse from ascending. Hand and feet and other single parts go to sleep


REGION: Nerves. Ovaries. Spine. BETTER: Rubbing. Oversensitive, nervous and sleepless. Spasmodic nervous effects. Yawning. Hiccough. ……………….. Excitable. Ticking over l. ear. Sour taste in A.M. Flatulent cramps; hypogastric. Mucous colitis. Smothers on attempting to eat. Ovarian or dysmenorrhœal pains, down limbs; during and after menses. Achings up back. Chills after mental excitement or exertion. Cold


VERATRUM ALBUM – White Hellebore A perfect picture of collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness, is offered by this drug. Post-operative shock with cold sweat on forehead, pale face, rapid, feeble pulse. Cold perspiration on the forehead, with nearly all complaints. Vomiting, purging, and cramps in extremities. The profuse, violent retching and vomiting is


VERATRUM VIRIDE – White American Hellebore Paroxysms of auricular fibrillation. Induces fall of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Congestions, especially to lungs, base of brain, with nausea and vomiting. Twitchings and convulsions. Especially adapted to full-blooded, plethoric persons. Great prostration. Rheumatism of heart. Bloated, livid face. Furious delirium. Effects of sunstroke. Œsophagitis. (Farrington). Verat


VIBURNUM OPULUS – High Cranberry A general remedy for cramps. Colicky pains in pelvic organs. Superconscious of internal sexual organs. Female symptoms most important. Often prevents miscarriage. False labor-pains. Spasmodic and congestive affections, dependent upon ovarian or uterine origin. Head.–Irritable. Vertigo; feels as if falling forward. Severe pain in temporal region. Sore feeling in eyeballs.