
1. Scrofulous, plethoric persons with very red lips ; subject to skin eruptions especially acne ; hasty in temper and motion ; often untidy and dirty – “ragged philosopher” – spare, stoop-shouldered, slack, shiftless, sensitive, sedentary. Emaciated children with big bellies, intolerant of bathing and covering ; often dirty habits. 2. Mental and physical inertia


XANTOXYLUM FRAXINEUM – Prickly Ash – (XANTHOXYLUM) Its specific action is on the nervous system and mucous membranes. Paralysis, especially hemiplegia. Painful hæmorrhages, after-pains, neuralgic dysmenorrhœa, and rheumatic affections, offer a therapeutic field for this remedy, especially in patients of spare habit and nervous, delicate organization. Indigestion from over-eating or from too much fluid. Sluggish


XEROPHYLLUM – Tamalpais Lily, Basket Grass Flower Should prove curative in eczematous conditions, poison-oak, early typhoid states, etc. Mind.–Dull, cannot concentrate mind for study; forgets names; writes last letters of words first; misspells common words. Head.–Feels full, stuffed up, pain across forehead and above eyes. Great pressure at root of nose. Bewildered. Loss of consciousness.


ZINGIBER OFFICINALE – Ginger – (ZINGIBER) States of debility in the digestive tract, and sexual system and respiratory troubles, call for this remedy. Complete cessation of function of kidneys. Head.–Hemicrania; sudden glimmering before eyes; feels confused and empty. Pain over eyebrows. Nose.–Feels obstructed and dry. Intolerable itching; red pimples. Stomach.–Taste of food remains long, especially