
Ignatia is frequently required and is especially suited to sensitive, delicate women and children; to hysterical women. You will not cure the natural hysterics with Ignatia, but you will cure those gentle, sensitive, fine fibred, refined, highly educated, overwrought women in their nervous complaints with Ignatia when they take on complaints that are similar to

Natrum sulphuricum

This is one of our most frequently indicated constitutional remedies. The symptoms appear in the morning, evening and during the night, especially before midnight. Some symptoms are better after breakfast, during the daytime and after midnight, except the sweat. It is a very useful remedy for complaints following neglected gonorrhea. The symptoms and the constitutional

Phosphoric acid

“Mental enfeeblement” is the thought that will come into the mind when considering what the Phosphoric acid patient says, does and looks. The mind seems tired. When questioned he answers slowly or does not speak, but only looks at the questioner. He is too tired to talk or even think. He says: “Don’t talk to


The complaints of Phosphorus are most likely to arise in the feeble constitutions, such as have been born sick, grown up slender, and grown too rapidly. Its complaints are found in such as are emaciated, and in those who are rapidly emaciating; in children who are going into marasmus, and in persons who have in

Argentum Nitricum

1. Subjects withered, old-looking through disease, especially after unusual or, long-continued mental exertion ; children. 2. Hypochondriasis ; lacks self-confidence ; apprehensive, hurried, discontented ; time passes slowly ; suicidal impulses. 3. General debility with nervous tremors. 4. Strange sensations ; (a) of expansion in various parts, (b) as of splinter, especially in the throat,

Calcarea Phosphorica

1. Thin, spare subjects with dark complexion, and inclined to emaciate. Scrofulous, rachitic children during first and especially second dentition. (Heads sweats not so prominent a symptom as in Calc. carb. and Silicea). Girls at or near puberty. 2. Sunken, flabby abdomen in children with general emaciation and inability to stand. 3. Gastro-intestinal disorders <

Carbo Animalis

1. Diseases of elderly persons with marked venous plethora ; feeble circulation, no vital heat ; want of energy ; dislikes conversation and company. 2. Glands, indurated, swollen, even ulcerated ; with lancinating, burning pains ; tendency to malignancy ; scirrhus, bluish appearance, especially axillary, mammary and inguinal glands. 3. Discharges gen. offensive and always


1. Adapted to nervous, excitable temperaments, especially in women and children ; children during dentition ; rheumatic diathesis. 2. Every degree of ill-temper ; fits of spiteful irritability ; uncivil even to best friends (no underlying ill nature like Nux Vom.) ; confesses the fault but repeats it ; affirms “cannot help it, I feel

Chelidonium majus

1. Thin. fair-complexioned subjects with tendency to gastric and hepatic complaints. 2. Hypochondriasis with lethargy ; drowsiness and debility. 3. Constant pain under the lower angle of right shoulder blade. 4. Hepatic soreness diseases swelling with or without the characteristic pain ; soreness, swelling and pain in liver region ; tongue coated or clay-coloured yellow

Ferrum Metallicum

1. Especially adapted to delicate, anaemic women with sanguine temperament ; pseudo-plethora (cheeks flushed or easily flush but mucous membranes pale). 2. Mental and physical irritability ; intolerance of noise and pain ; patient excitable, impulsive, changeable ; solitude preferred. 3. Great debility with breathlessness ; easily fatigued yet must have gentle exercise. 4. Local