
1. Young plethoric persons who desire light and company, dread the dark and solitude.

2. Acute manias and deliriums, great terror, attempts to escape, hallucinations especially of terrible animals ; great rage with screaming, biting and scratching ; loquacity, constant praying and entreating ; staring, brilliant eyes, widely dilated pupils ; strange imaginations, e.g. of double personality, of scattered limbs, etc.

3. Spasmodic complaints ; convulsions, chorea (facial muscles chiefly affected), epilepsies ; from fright, renewed by bright light, sight of brilliant objects, at attempts to swallow liquids ; strabismus, stammering, hydrophobia.

4. Painlessness with most complaints but intense pain of suppuration particularly in abscess of left hip joint or in panaritum.

5. In fevers with intense, bright scarlet-red rash over whole body, and often suppression of all secretions and excretions.

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