
1. Acute, sub-acute and chronic rheumatism ; pains severe, suddenly change locality, going from joint to joint, with numbness, gen. < early part of night or soon after going to bed.

2. Cardiac diseases assoc. with rheumatism or in post influenza conditions ; violent shooting, stabbing pains ; palpitation ; great dyspnoea ; slow, weak pulse ; gen. pale face, anxious expression, cold extremities ; < lying left side.

3. Neuralgias attended or succeeded by numbness of the parts ; pains shoot in a downward direction ; lightning pains of tabes dorsalis.

4. Deep-seated eye affections with sense of stiffness around eyes and in eyelids ; severe stitching pains < turning eyes, begin at sunrise and last till noon, or < at noon, leave at sunset (Natrum muriaticum) ; headache with similar modalities.

5. Symptoms predominantly right-sided.

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