Kalium Bromatum

1. Large, fleshy people, particularly children and young persons. Patients suffering from brain fag with numb feeling in head as if would lose reason ; loss of memory, forgets how to talk ; fits of

uncontrollable weeping and profound melancholic, delusions, even mania.

2. Nervous restlessness, must keep busy ; fidgety hands (feet – Zincum metallicum) ; restless and sleeplessness at night, from worry, etc. ; somnambulism.

3. Spasms – in coordination of muscles – paralysis ; stammering speech ; staggering gait ; epileptiform convulsions, etc.

4. Anaesthesia of various parts or of entire body ; especially of fauces from alcoholism.

5. Acne-like eruptions especially on face, chest and shoulders (Eugenia jambolana)

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