
1. Fair-complexioned subjects who take cold easily.

2. Irritability and quarrelsomeness ; trifles offend.

3. Low fevers with delirium ; patient imagines there is another person in the bed ; that he is double ; that two babies are in the bed beside her.

4. Occipital vertigo or headache with pressure and heaviness like lead.

5. Ailments from riding in vehicles, etc. ; seasickness.

6. Gastric complaints > by constant eating ; nausea in the morning with accumulation of water in the mouth.

7. Diarrhoea (lienteric) and dysentery only in the daytime ; gushing ; from taking cold or eating cabbage ; from suppressed skin eruptions ; discharges offensive.

8. Skin complaints ; (a) skin dry, rough and cracked ; sore and bleeding ; < winter, washing, contact of clothes, etc. ; especially tips of fingers ; painful, itching chilblains ; (b) herpetic and eczematous eruptions ; parts fiery-red and raw, oozing a thick gelatinous fluid ; violent itching and burning ; may go on to formation of thick crusts oozing pus.

9. Chronic rheumatism with great stiffness of joints ; cracking sounds on movement.

10. Modalities ; < before and during thunder-storm ; in winter.

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