Nux Vomica

1. Dark, sallow, spare subjects of passionate temperament ; sedentary brain workers ; chronic dyspeptics addicted to stimulants ; victims of drug habits, drastic medicines, excesses, etc.

2. Hypochondriasis with irascibility and impatience ; spiteful and malicious or sullen and surly, thinks everyone is against him ; melancholy > alone especially from relatives ; “spasmodic” homicidal or suicidal impulses ; precise, ardent but overbearing ; dread of, and incapacity for literary work.

3. Mental and physical hypersensitiveness (even fainting) to external stimuli ; also to pain, trifling ailments, etc.

4. Gastric disorders from atony ; hunger yet no desire for food, distension and discomfort an hour or so after meals with nausea ; taste, eructations, vomit, etc., all sour or bitter ; ”if only could vomit would be better” ; assoc. “bilious” morning headaches ; craving for condiments and sour or bitter things ; likes fat.

5. Habitual constipation ; frequent but ineffectual desire for stool, or small quantities passed at each attempt (from spasmodic peristalsis) ; blind or bleeding piles ; stool temporarily > .

6. Menstrual period premature, profuse, protracted with bearing-down pains, nausea in a.m., chilliness and attacks of faintness.

7. Drowsiness during evening, wakeful at 3-4 a.m., but later falls into heavy, unrefreshing sleep ; awakes late tired and worn out. Always > undisturbed sleep.

8. Convulsions with consciousness ; tetanic rigidity < external stimuli especially touch : also violent local muscular contractions.

9. In fevers patient must be covered in every stage – chill, heat and sweat ; cannot move or uncover without being chilly.

10. Patient very chilly, < winter, open air acid draughts ; dry weather ; mental exertion ; anger ; mornings ; after eating ; > warmth ; mild, damp weather.

Notes : Nux acts best during repose of mind and body ; dose a few hours before retiring.

Sepia often its chronic.

Zincum is inimical.

Key-note  : irritable tension.

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