
1. Thin, single women with rheumatic tendencies and nervous, hysterical temperament.

2. Unstable mental state constantly relapsing into profound depression ; anxiety and fears of death, insanity, nature and extent of illness, etc. ; loquacity ; mental and physical restlessness ; mental state alternating with physical.

3. Utero-ovarian disorders, with various reflex disturbances incidental thereto ; e.g. severe headache occiput, vertex and/or behind the eyes, may extend to nape of neck and even spine ; < motion > open air.

4. Rheumatic complaints especially In the belly of muscles ; often with persistent muscular soreness.

5. Pains sudden, sharp, lancinating ; < touch motion ; often assoc. with the voiding of profuse, pale urine ; with numbness.

6. Trembling and jerking of muscles < emotion, under pressure, e.g. when lying on the part ; preventing sleep. Chorea.

7. Menses too painful, irregular and gen. scanty ; pains < during the flow.

8. Ailments resulting from emotional causes especially disappointments in the affections.

9. Left-sided complaints.

10. Modalities ; < cold (except the headache) especially cold damp weather ; < during menstrual period.

Note : A valuable remedy to consult in disorders of pregnancy, and the puerperal state.

Keynote : Gloom.

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