Baryta Carbonica

1. Dwarfish, ill-nourished children or childish old people ; scrofulous subjects especially when fat.

2. Mental and body ; weakness ; semi-imbecility.

3. Great tendency to glandular swellings and indurations, especially of tonsils, acute and chronic ; also fatty tumours.

4. Patient easily catches cold, especially in the throat ; subject to quinsy.

5. Paralysis and other affections arising from impaired brain function.

6. Degenerative changes in walls of arteries. Atheroma, etc.

7. Diseases peculiar to old men. Prostatic troubles, etc.

8. Offensive foot sweats and ailments (especially of throat) following suppression ; one-sided sweats.

9. Left side mostly affected.

10. Modalities ; < cold, damp ; washing affected parts, < when thinking of his disease.

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