
1. Sanguine, ruddy persons with dark hair and eyes ; old people ; scrofulous or mercurio-syphilitic subjects.

2. Profound melancholia with desire for death and suicidal tendencies ; often connected with liver troubles in men ; with uterine troubles in women.

3. Specially adapted to pining boys, low-spirited, lifeless. lacking vim ; testes undeveloped.

4. Hypersensitiveness ; to contradiction, to pain ; of the special senses.

5. Ailments resulting from strong mental emotions. 6. Intense, deep seated boring pains < night.

7. Caries of bones, especially nasal, palatine and mastoid, with deep ulceration and horribly offensive discharges.

8. Interstitial changes in various organs, especially heart, liver and kidneys.

9. Hemiopia ; sees only lower half of objects.

10. Modalities ; < cold, damp weather ; sunset to sunrise ; warmth of bed ; at menstrual period.

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