
1. Acts best in sanguine, plethoric subjects.

2. Oversensitiveness to pain ; great fear of being touched or struck by anyone coming near, especially in gout and rheumatic conditions.

3. Bruised, sore feeling all over ; bed feels too hard (Bapt.).

4. Injuries especially to soft parts ; bruises (Ham.) ; strains (Rhus) ; concussions (Hyper.) ; results of injuries however remote ; haemorrhages especially of mechanical origin.

5. Typhoid states ; indifference or stupor ; answers questions correctly but unconsciousness immediately returns ; involuntary stool and urine or long interval between stools.

6. Discharges offensive ; eructations, flatus, etc., have odours as of “rotten eggs”

7. Head hot, body cold ; or heat of upper part of body ; also deathly coldness of forearm in children.

8. Tendency to small, painful boils one succeeding another.

9. Prevents suppuration and septicemia ; excellent after parturition especially if instrumental delivery.

10. Modalities ; < rest ; lying down ; > motion.

Keynote : Trauma.

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