
1. Strong, healthy, full-blooded person of quick, lively. sanguine temperament. 2. Emotional, mental and physical tension ; hyperaesthesia, of the special senses. 3. Onset of sthenic fevers, characterized by (a) intense anxiety with prediction and fear of death, causing restlessness and tossing about ; (b) strong, full, rapid pulse ; (c) dry, hot skin and

Aesculus Hippocastanum

1. Fullness in various parts ; venous congestions. 2. Irritability, feels and is miserably cross. 3. Mucous membranes dry, swollen, burning, feel raw ; sometimes thin, watery, acrid discharges ; mouth, throat and rectum particularly affected. 4. Rectal disorders with char. fullness, burning and dryness, rectum feels as if full of sticks or splinters ;

Aloe Socotrina

1. Phlegmatic indolent persons ; old people ; women near climaxis ; tendency to local congestions. 2. Periodic and alternating complaints ; e.g. congestive headache in winter, diarrhoea in summer. 3. Diarrhoea spluttery, immediately after eating and drinking (Croton) ; drives out of bed early a.m. (Sulphur) ; abdominal distension with rumbling and colic before


1. Dark, spare withered-looking subjects ; disposition gen. mild and cheerful. 2. Attacks of depression. Loss of memory ; time passes slowly. 3. Great dryness of all mucous membranes (except female genitalia) with sense of constriction. 4. Abnormal appetite, craving for indigestible things ; potatoes disagree. 5. Inactivity of the rectum ; no desire and

Ammonium Carbonicum

1. Stout, fleshy persons of sedentary habit ; delicate women who faint easily and fly to smelling bottle on least excuse ; old people. 2. Listlessness ; ill-humour especially during stormy weather ; desire for olfactory stimulants. 3. Haemorrhagic diathesis ; epistaxis, when washing face, after eating ; venous congestions. 4. Tendency to gangrenous degeneration

Anacardium orientale

1. Persons of sedentary habits suffering from brain-fag ; nervous, hysterical women especially during pregnancy. 2. Mentals. Patients distressed by sudden loss of memory ; lacks self-confidence ; fears inability to “get through” (Arg. Nit., Lyc.) ; paradoxical temper laughs at serious matters, serious over laughable things ; great suspicion. Dual personality, as of two

Antimonium Crudum

1. Adapted to the extremes of life ; especially to young people inclined to grow fat. 2. Mentals. Great sadness with weeping, especially in intermittents. Sulkiness, no wish to speak to people. In women, sentimental mood even ecstatic love, the moonlight. 3. In children, fretful, peevish disposition ; temper at every little attention : cannot

Antimonium Tartaricum

1. Phlegmatic subjects ; hydrogenoid constitutions. 2. Persistent, irreconcilable ill-humour, < consolation ; child fractious, complaining, resents least touch (Ant. crudum). 3. Respiratory troubles with great accumulation of mucus ; coarse rales ; no expulsive power yet if expectorates temporarily ; attacks of suffocative dyspnoea with cyanosis. 4. Prostration with great drowsiness and cold sweat.

Apis Mellifica

1. Strumous constitutions : children and girls who become awkward especially in handling things ; hysterical women. 2. Anxiety with tearful restlessness ; impaired memory and absent-mindedness in elderly persons. 3. Oedematous swellings, serous effusions, and urticaria. 4. Pains burning, darting, stinging > cold (rev. Ars.). 5. General soreness and sensitiveness of body surface <